I have always loved the theme of Peace, Love, and Happiness (can't you tell from my blog!!!). After much thought, I have decided to switch up my theme this coming school year. PINEAPPLES caught my eye!!! I literally can't stop searching Pinterest for pineapples!!! After hours and hours of looking for the perfect décor, I have finally found the right color combination that I absolutely LOVE and CANNOT live without!!!! I am using Fun & Fresh Pineapple Decor from The Seeds We Sow. Stephanie from The Seeds We Sow is so sweet!! I asked her for the font she used and she was more than happy to help me!!!
Aren't you in love with the bright colors??!! I already printed the calendar, clip chart, and posters. I also created my own Writer's Eye posters and objective labels. I can't wait to get in my classroom and start decorating! I know I am going to LOVE my room this year, thanks to Stephanie!!!
I will keep in touch and let you know how my classroom turns out!!! Here are some things I plan on using in my room!!
Love these colors!
Pineapple Bulletin Board (HOW ADORABLE!!)
Much love to Erica, Paige, & Jessica
Pineapple Lamp (80% at Hobby Lobby!)
Upgrading my cart to bright colors!
Thanks to my sweet husband!
clips for my behavior chart from Michaels (AWESOME)!

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