Monday, December 3, 2012

~~I want S'more~~

I LOVE S'mores, I mean really, really love them!  And...I also know that my students love them just as much as I do.  Making and eating S'mores in the classroom was something I HAD to do.  Sooooo, I decided to devote a whole week to this fun, oozy, gooey, little, bite of heaven.  Students wrote a nonfiction, how-to guide for making S'mores.  There wasn't a single student who didn't have chocolate or marshmallow cream everywhere!!  Not only were the students having fun, but they didn't know they were learning too!!!  Please check out our creations below.  I made up some activities of my own and borrowed some from fellow teachers.

I am linking up with Teaching Blog Addict: Freebie Friday and Classroom Freebies: Manic Monday to share my S'more Freebies. 

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

For a prewriting activity, students made S'mores and completed an activity involving their 5 senses. Last year, using the microwave took too much time with melting the marshmallows and chocolate. I changed it up a bit by using chocolate sauce and marshmallow cream (see first photo).  While enjoying the S'mores, students created a chart using adjectives. 

Grab your copy of the S'mores chart (HERE)


For the rough draft, students wrote a step-by-step guide for making S'mores.  I used Awesome in 1st: How to make a S'more packet.  Students wrote the steps first as a rough draft.  Then, they created a flip book with the steps.  I created some tabs for the flip book.   
Click (HERE) to download a FREE copy of the tabs. 
Here are some photos of our rough drafts. I helped the students do all the editing.  Usually, I send home the rough draft for the parents to edit.  Since this writing activity was not our usual 5 paragraph paper, I did the editing myself. I used the S'more packet for the rough draft.

Last, students wrote the final copy of the steps using stationary from the  S'more Packet.  They glued the final copy on black construction paper and made a small paper S'more for the corners.  Check out our finished products below.

I also created a S'more Rubric to grade the writing activity.  Grab your FREE copy (HERE).
 I hope you come back for S'more activities!!!


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