Monday, December 10, 2012

~~A Season of Hope~~

Advent is a season of hope.  As teachers, we hope our students are listening when we are introducing a new skill.  We hope our students turn in all of their homework and assignments. We hope our students are watching us as we model certain behaviors expected of them. We hope our students are treating others with respect.  We hope our students are loving others as God loves them. How do we expect this from our students if we do not teach them how to notice the good in others?  At the beginning of each school year, I introduce what a Bucket Filler is.  I have several different versions of the book.  I read each one and discuss what a Bucket Filler and Bucket Dipper are.  Also, my school adopted Rachel's Challenge.  I intermingle both of these programs to teach my students how to be a good friend and help others.  Instead of the usual warm fuzzies, my students write on strips of colored paper.  The strips are linked together to form our Rachel's Challenge Chain of Reaction. Students are asked to notice how others are showing kindness and compassion. I am constantly amazed at how my students are helping and loving each other more and more.  During this Advent season, my students are reflecting on how they treat others and how they are being treated.  We created a class book titled, We are bucket fillers because...  Feel free to download your free copy and begin creating a classroom environment that includes kindness, compassion, and love for others.

  Grab your FREE copy (HERE) and (HERE).


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