Monday, May 19, 2014

~~Summer is Coming~~

6 more days...I can't believe this school year is almost over.  It seems like only yesterday it was the first day of school.  I am beyond ready for the summer, but I will truly miss my precious babies!  It is amazing how much they grew since August, not only academically but socially.  I wish all my students a very happy, safe, and blessed summer vacation--You deserve every minute of it!

I am still in awe at all of the awesome and amazing products  Creative Teaching Press has for Back-to-School.  All of the new products are due in CTP's warehouse any day!  Not only were you the first to see the new items, but you can be one of the first to receive them!  You can order your items now and have them shipped when they arrive in the warehouse.  Check them out (HERE) and place your order now!

I want to thank Creative Teaching Press for having me as one of their Exclusive Bloggers!  If you haven't checked out their website, please stop by and browse their online catalog.  You will be amazed at all of the products they offer for teachers!  I can't wait to get my hands on all of the new products and more!!!

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