Sunday, February 3, 2013

~~~100th Day Activities~~~

Wednesday, January 30th was our 100th Day of School.   My students had a great day filled with lots of activities! To start off the morning, I decorated our doorway with streamers. The students loved them so much that I still have them hanging on the door!!
My partner teacher, Laura, in the streamers!

My niece Emma in the streamers after school!!

I decorated each desk too!   Students had a 100th day certificate, bookmark, & sticker, Pixie Sticks, candy, and plastic hearts!!  They were so excited!!

I made 2 groups: boys against girls.  Each group had a 100 piece puzzle to put together.  The boys had the tiger puzzle and the girls had the puppies.  
The girls had the entire outside frame completed in 10 minutes!
  The boys were having some trouble!
The girls won after 20 minutes!! 

For the next activity, I let the students split up into 2 groups of 10.  I gave each group 100 cups.  They had to build a structure using all 100 cups!  They had a blast with this activity.  They wanted to keep building things so I let them spend some time on this activity.

I gave each student a blank paper with the number 100 on it.  They were asked to create a picture using the 100 in the scene.  Here are our finished pictures.  I must say they are very creative!!!


Each student had to bring in a bottle filled with 100 things.  All 100 things had to fit in an empty 16 oz bottle.  They presented the bottles to the class by giving 3 clues.  The class had to guess what was in the bottle.  Sorry, I do not have a copy of the clues worksheet to share!  I found this years ago and can't seem to remember where I found it.  There were some very creative items!

Here are some 100th Day T-shirts from our 2nd graders.  Each 2nd grader had to decorate a shirt using 100 of something.  They came out so cute, I just had to go in their classrooms and snap some pictures!!
My niece Abby with her shirt!


We also played some 100th day games: students had 100 seconds to sit in every chair; how many times can you write your name in 100 seconds; make a rain storm using fingers tapping on desk for 100 seconds; you have 100 seconds to give everyone in the classroom a high five.  Students had so much fun playing these games and doing the activities!  They had a blast for the 100th Day of School!! 

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