Monday, January 14, 2013


We have been busy working on multiplication facts.  Last week, my students learned about arrays, repeated addition, multiplication stories, and tables.  Students made arrays in their math journals by using stickers and a pair of dice.  Check out their arrays below.  The students had a GREAT time.  I originally wanted them to make only 1 array, but they begged me to let them create as many as they wanted.  I had tons of stickers so I told them to have fun and use as many stickers as they could.  To conclude our first section in chapter 5, I made a review worksheet for our quiz this week. It allowed students to see firsthand how multiplication relates to addition & pictures.  Feel free to grab it (HERE).  This week I plan on using Yay Third Grade!'s Multiplication Monster to create silly multiplication monsters.  I made these monsters last year with my class and they LOVED it!!  I can't wait to see how creative my class is this year in making monsters!!! I will post pictures as soon as they are completed!  In the meantime, enjoy my multiplication freebie.  I also have a Mardi Gras Multiplication: I have...Who has... Freebie.  Grab your copy (HERE). 

 Don't forget to check out other freebies and link up your own at Classroom Freebies: Manic Monday. 

Multiplication Sticker Arrays


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