Thursday, September 13, 2012

~~Winner, Yahoo!~~

A HUGE thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway!!  I am well over 100,000 page views!!!  I am overwhelmed with excitement and joy.  I never dreamed that my little blog would be a hit.  Drum roll please~~~~the winner of a $20 Target gift card is......Aimee @ Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks .

In other news:
I want to give a shout out to my two AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL room moms~~~Anne & Kristi!!!  They are helping out so much in my classroom.  They are in charge of my weekly "Behavior Parties" every Friday.  At our first party, the students were treated to ice cream S'mores!!  Talk about Yummy and Good!!!!  Students earn their way to the party each Friday.  Any student who moves his/her clip to the behavior chart does not participate in the party.  In my 18 years of teaching, I have never done this before.  This year's class is challenging and need some motivation to behave each day.  I can't say that every student has been to the party; however, out of 22, 18 students have been to the parties.  My goal this year is to have all 22 students at the "Behavior Party" every Friday!!!  I am just about there!!!  I am still looking for ways to help those who are still misbehaving and having trouble listening.  Don't worry~~~Pinterest & Blog stalking have been a must these past few weeks!! 

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