Tuesday, August 21, 2012

~~Back in Action & Monday Made It~~

Oh, yeah, it has been a Crazy and Hectic first week!  My kiddos keep me on my toes all day, and I barely have time to eat!!!  But....I just LOVE all of them.  They are always smiling, laughing, and offering a joke for some smiles :) 

Here are some pictures of our first week projects and activities.  We had a very productive week learning all about each other and classroom procedures.  I did, however, manage to incorporate some reading, spelling, English, and math...sneaky of me!! 

I am not sure if this counts as Monday Made It~~~I think it might!!! Don't forget to link up with 4th Grade Frolics~Monday Made It and check out all of the wonderful projects!  I must admit that I was very productive this summer because of Tara and her AWESOME, TERRIFIC idea of Monday Made it!!! Thanks Tara!!!! 

Here is my word wall in action. Each color represents a subject:
green~math, yellow~English, red~reading, orange~religion, blue~science

Center Signs

Sharing Boards
We use Treasures Reading Series and our first story is First Day Jitters.

Compound Words
(front of mini-cards)

inside mini-cards

Guess I should have spell checked this one!!

ways to show a number using paint chips
(Students LOVED using these!)

Pinterest inspired hand wreath

bottle cap flash cards

My students LOVE using the paint chips in class.  We also made compound words by cutting paint chips in half.  They were amazed that I could actually get these from the store for FREE!! 

I am also linking up with The Organized Classroom Blog~~Name that Schedule Linky.  I have always done language arts in the morning.  I feel that students are refreshed before lunch and enrichment classes.  After lunch/recess, I like having the students do more hands-on learning like math, science, social studies, and religion.  Please check out my schedule that I am currently using.

I hope everyone has a wonderful first day~~I have been in school for 10 days already!!

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