Friday, June 22, 2012

~~Beach, Giveaway, & Relaxing~~

I am sooo glad summer is here!  I have been very busy since school let out, but having no lesson plans, grading papers, or meetings make my busy schedule well worth it!!! My family and I just got back from the beach!  Talk about relaxing and soaking up the sun!!!  Check out the beautiful beach water!

Now that my beach vacation is over, I am getting ready for my daughter's gym recital.  Tonight is rehearsal and tomorrow 2 performances and Sunday one performance.  After that, summer has officially started for me!  What do I plan on doing?  Planning for school in August!  I guess you can take the teacher out of the classroom but you can't take the teacher out of me!!!  Happy Summer!!

Are you ready for an awesome giveaway!  Michelle @ No Monkey Business is celebrating 300 followers!!  I just blogged about her 100 follower giveaway!!! WOW!!! I just love reading Michelle's blog and her units are so awesome!  Her blog is super cute and is filled with so much important information!!  You must check her out and enter the giveaway!  She is giving away a $30 gift card to Amazon and 3 units from her TpT store or TN store!!

No Monkey Business

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