Sunday, April 22, 2012

What kind of blogger am I?

I have been reading a lot of wonderful posts from so many awesome bloggers.  After reading each post, I stop and think about my own blog.  Am I providing my followers/readers with important information? Are my posts useful? Do I only provide my followers/readers with freebies? I go to bed each night thinking about what kind of blog I envision Third Grade Love to be.  Of coarse, I originally started my blog to give others a chance to use what I create for their students.  I LOVE the idea of sharing!!!  However, I would love to write about things that work (and don't work) in my classroom.  I want my blog to be a place where teachers can visit often and learn about behavior management, center structure, classroom procedures, etc. 

So, I have decided to share with everyone how I manage my third grade classroom on a daily basis.  I want to share as many of my procedures that I can.

Lunch Procedure
When my students enter the classroom in the morning, they have several responsibilities.  First, they are to unpack schoolbags.  After unpacking, choosing lunch is next.  The lunch procedure I use is very important in 3rd grade.  This is the first year students are allowed to choose what they want to eat in the cafeteria.  They have 3 choices~~main menu, choice menu, or salad.  The other grades (4-8) call out each choice, students raise their hand, and the teacher counts. I have tried this and it does not work for me.  After much planning,  I have devised a plan to eliminate the confusion of counting hands.  I have a pocket system that allows the students to be responsible for their own choice.  See picture below.  Each student has his/her own Popsicle stick. He/she chooses what lunch choice they want for the day.  After all students make a choice, sticks are counted and recorded.  I have students count/record (it is a classroom job).  While students are choosing lunch, I have free time to record absences, read notes, or collect any money/notes for the office. 

lunch pockets

lunch menu students read from

pockets for lunch choice

sticks students use for pockets

The amount of free time I have is unbelievable!  I must admit that we practice this procedure many times in the beginning of the year in order to be successful at it!  I train my students for at least 2 weeks before they become independent.

WOW, what a post!.  I can honestly say that I provided my readers/followers with useful information.  I hope that you can use this procedure in your own classroom. 

Since I am still in the beginning stages of blogging,  I appreciate the kind words of encouragement.

With much appreciation,

1 comment:

  1. Happy to be visiting your blog again Darleen! :-) I think your post will be very helpful to new (and veteran) teachers! I love putting some of that responsibility back on them. I only WISH we had such choices in our cafeteria! lol


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