Sunday, April 15, 2012

Blog Stalking

Well, I have been doing some intense blog stalking this week.  I just love all of the precious blogs.  Everyone is so creative and dedicated to the blogging world.  As you can see, I have changed my blog background several times. I just figured out how to download the template and heading!  Yeah me!!!  I have made a list of several 3rd grade blogs you might want to check out.  All of them are just so cute.  Also, you may even pick up on a few free goodies while you're there.  Tell them Third Grade Love sent you!!!! Happy Blog Stalking!!!!

3rd Grade Grapevine

Third Grade Teacher Files

3rd Grade Sprinkles

3rd Grade Thoughts

3rd Grade Times

A Class Act

A Series of 3rd Grade Events

Charmed in Third Grade

Love to Teach :)

Mrs. C's Classroom

stickers and staples

Three is a Magic Number

Lighting a Fire in Third Grade

Yearn to Learn

Its About Time Teachers

I will continue to add 3rd grade blogs as I stalk find them!!!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog so that I could find yours!

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  2. You are so very welcome! Thanks for being a follower of mine too!

  3. Hi Darleen
    I just found your blog on TpT. I have taught 3rd graders in one way or another for 18 years. Such a great age to work with. I'm your newest follower. If you have time, please check out my blog.


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