Tuesday, July 2, 2013

~~Goin' on a Blog Hunt~~

I am sure most of you already know that Google Reader went Bye Bye.  I personally did not use Google Reader so I can't say if I liked it or not.  But, I can say that I love Bloglovin'.  In the past week, I have gained over 100 new followers.  I just LOVE when I can open an email and see all of my favorite blogs in one place!  Who wouldn't love that!!   You can follow me on Bloglovin' by clicking the button at the top (it has a white and blue cross)! 

Please check out Corkboard Connections for more awesome, terrific blogs to follow using Bloglovin'.  I have spent hours and hours on my blog hunt already!!!! Click on the image below to link up and go on a Blog Hunt!

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