Friday, May 31, 2013

~~Summer Vacation & Freebie~~

I have been on summer vacation for a week now, and I am already doing school projects!  I am not changing much in my classroom except for a few things here and there.  I decided to try my hand at making some decorations instead of buying premade items.  Since my theme is Peace & Love, I decided to purchase some clip art from Scrappin Doodles.  I fell in love with the Groovy Kids Clip Art collection!!   Please check out my Groovy Jobs.   My next few projects include: Back-to-School Activity packet, behavior clip chart, AR tracker, desk name plates and center signs. Please check back often to grab some freebies and see how I am keeping myself busy!! Enjoy your summer!!

I am working on a Back-to-School Activity packet.  Check out the preview below!!!
Grab your freebie (HERE).

I am linking up with An Educator's Life: Share the Wealth Freebie Linky.  I am so excited to have found this super, fantastic linky party!! You can also find the freebies listed on Pinterest.  Who doesn't love Pinterest or a great Linky??!!! I know I LOVE them both!!!!

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