Thursday, October 18, 2012

~~I've been BOO'd~~

My faithful friend, Laura @  Love to Teach :) just BOO'd me!!!  She must know that I LOVE
Halloween!!!  I must admit that I began the BOO game at my school 2 weeks ago.  Shhhh!!!! Kimberly doesn't know it was me!!!


Here's how to play:
Choose a fellow blogger that has MORE followers, another that has about the SAME number of followers, and last, someone that has LESS followers.  Lastly, leave them some love by offering them a goody from your store as their "treat."

My first blogger that I choose with MORE followers is Mel D.  @  Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations . Her blog is the very first blog I ever laid my eyes on.  I had no idea that blogging even existed!  I fell in LOVE with her ideas and activities the minute I began reading her blog. She is the reason I became a blogger.   I use many of her products/activities in my classroom: behavior tickets, noise level poster, Dr. Seuss hand print activity, and so many more!! Please head over to her blog and show her some blogging love!!

My second blogger I choose with about the SAME amount of followers is Ms. Walter @ Hoot Hoot Hooray!.  I met this wonderful blogger while I was trying to figure out this whole blog thing!  She is the sweetest and most wonderful blogging friend I have met!  She entered my first giveaway. After reading her sweet comment,  I headed over to her blog and checked it out.   I steal borrow from her all the time!!!  Please head over to her blog and show her some blogging love!
Hoot Hoot Hooray!

My last blogger with LESS (but catching up to me fast) followers than me is Sarah @ Wishful Teaching. I met Sarah in blog land too!  She donated a packet she created and was part of my first giveaway.  Sarah and I learned about blogging together.  I do admit that she is becoming much better than me with creating some awesome products!  We have helped each other through the learning process with creating new units and blogging.  I use A LOT of her ideas in my classroom!  Please head over to her blog and show her some blogging love!!!

I want to thank these awesome ladies for being faithful followers of my blog!  I do not sell any of my products so feel free to download and share as much as you want!!! 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

~~Frankenstein Writing & Freebies~~

My favorite holiday of the year is finally here~~Halloween!!! I really don't know why I love Halloween, I just do!  Maybe it's the spooky stories, zombies, bats, ghosts, or horror movies, which ever one, I love Halloween!  My first Halloween treat of the season was homemade.  Check out these precious candy corn treats!! writing assignment
I finally found something my students adore~creating a Frankenstein!  In English this week,  students created their version of Frankenstein and wrote creative stories about his/her life.  The final essays came out A-MAZ-ING!  I couldn't wait to hang them in the hallway for everyone to see.  The students were so excited about this assignment.  I am so glad I searched Pinterest!  Check out the finished essays!  Don't worry~~~I posted links of the bubble map and lined paper we used!

First, we brainstormed about Frankenstein.  I allowed each student to tell me everything they knew.  We had quite a discussion about if Frankenstein was real.  After sharing their thoughts, I read the students a cute story. 

Next, I gave each student a copy of a bubble map.  They had to write about his/her Frankenstein~~where he/she lived? who were his/her friends? what does he/she look like? what does he/she eat?  They were instructed to write at least 3 details in each bubble. Many of them just had to draw a picture of Frankenstein on the back.  They couldn't contain their excitement! Check out some of the sample bubble maps. Grab your free copy (HERE).

Then (the next day), students used the details on the bubble map to write an essay.  This essay was a simple writing assignment.  Students had to come up with at least 5 complete sentences~we're having a bit of trouble with this skill lately.  Check out some of the sample writings.  Students did all editing at home with their parents.  You can see below how the editing was done.

Last, students copied their edited essay on lined paper.  Grab your free copy (HERE).
After putting the final touches on their essay, students created their Frankenstein.  I gave them a piece of green construction paper and a pile of other colors~~then told them to go create!  Check out the finished essays.

Don't forget to grab your free copy of the bubble map and lined paper below.

Free copy of paper: (HERE)

Free copy of bubble map: (HERE)

Hope everyone has a safe & spooky Halloween season!