Monday, July 30, 2012

~~Monday Made it & Tons of Freebies~~

I have been busy decorating my classroom and getting ready for school.  I will have 22 students this year~~13 boys and 9 girls.  I have never had this many boys before!  I can't wait to meet all 22 of them on August 2, Supply Day.  I am getting so excited just thinking about the First Day!!! 

I am linking up with 4th Grade Frolics: Monday Made It to show off my creations! 

Since my classroom was painted this summer, I had to start from scratch with decorating.  Everything has been changed in my classroom~~job chart, centers, behavior clip chart, birthdays, EVERY bulletin board!  I  decided to make new job chart signs.  Please check them out below and grab yourself a FREE copy! I included a page of blank labels & name of font so you can add your own titles.

Click (HERE) to download your FREE copy.

I also made these cute Police Tickets for when I check desks.  I can't remember the original source from Pinterest.  I recreated the tickets and added my own clip art and font.  Sorry I can't remember who I found these from.  I plan on using these tickets whenever I check for clean desks.  The student will receive a "Ticket" if his/her desk does not meet clean desk requirements.  They will have until the end of the day to clean their desk.  If they do, I will reward them with a treat.  After 3 "Tickets", they will lose points on behavior for not following directions.  I hope this will eliminate lost papers, pencils, etc. 
Click (HERE) to download your FREE copy.

I have been super busy making tons of games for my classroom~~Pinterest inspired, of coarse!  I am presenting at our teacher conference on August 7.  The title of my session is Do-it-Yourself Centers and Activities.  I decided to show everyone how to make centers for little or no cost.  I will talk about using bottle caps, Easter eggs, plastic cups, scratched CD's, etc.  I made the Power Tower games that are floating around Pinterest.  I decided to make my own labels for the cans.  You can grab yourself a FREE copy below. 

Click (HERE) to download your FREE copy.

I made these cute picture frames for my classroom.  I used Dollar Tree picture frames and duct tape.  Please check them out below.  I think they came out super cute!!

Check out my classroom tree.  I think it came out adorable!  My partner teacher made one too!!! I used hot glue and brown bulletin board paper.  I already had the vines left over from a theme a few years ago.  I hung felt Peace signs from the branches. 

I also made these story pinwheels.  I found the pinwheels at Michaels for 59 cents!!!!  Aren't these the cutest things you've ever seen!!!

As you can see, I have been very busy!!!  I also made an eraser gumball machine.  It is not finished yet!  Check it out below!!  I will show the finished product next week!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I am so excited to receive the Liebster Blog Award from Totally Terrific in Texas.  Thank you so very much.  I was about to turn off my computer for the night but I decided to check my emails one last time.  Colleen definitely made me smile tonight!!




Here are the rules for passing the award:
1. Copy and paste this award on your blog.
2. Thank the giver and link back to them.
3. Reveal 5 other bloggers and let them know by commenting on their blog.

Here are the 5 bloggers I decided to pass the award to:

Hoot Hoot Hooray!

Mrs. C's Classroom
stickers and staples
Teachers Give a Hoot!

Sunday, July 15, 2012


I am beginning to get a little nervous about starting a new school year.  Just like the students, I am worried if I will be OK on the first day.  I hope my students like me and enjoy my class.  I love teaching and try to show it through my daily interaction with the students.  I always think about the book, First Day Jitters and how the teacher felt about starting a new school and having new students.  I am not new to my school but my students are new to me!  I saw a few books floating around Pinterest about teachers introducing themselves to the class.  I decided to try my luck at making my own.  I plan on using this book to help ease my nerves on the first day and help my students learn about who their teacher is. 

I cannot and will not claim this idea as my own!  I stole borrowed the idea from several awesome teachers!  Please check them out below. Not only do I love their idea, but their blogs are super awesome too!!

My background graphics came from Surfin' Through Second.  You can download the peace sign background graphics here from her store for FREE: Surfin' Through Second: Teachers Pay Teachers Store .

My inspiration for the book came from 2 different sources.  Please check out Once Upon a First Grade Adventure .  She offers a premade template in her TpT store.  Check it out here: TpT Store . I absolutely LOVED this book the first time I saw it!! 

Also check out, Yeehaw Teaching in Texas .  She has a version you can use with younger students.  It has more pictures. AWESOME book!!

I wanted to make my own so I could use the Peace Theme backgrounds.  My theme this year will be Building God's Kingdom with Peace, Love, & Happiness.  I kept thinking of how I could use them in my classroom.  Now you can check out how I did!!!

Don't forget to link up with 4th Grade Frolics, Monday Made-it !

Sunday, July 8, 2012

~~Monday Made It & Manic Monday~~

I have been busy checking out all of the wonderful projects on 4th Grade Frolics: Monday Made It Linky Party.  I have decided to join in on the fun.  I made some projects for my classroom!  I also made a gift for my daughter's teacher!  She loved it!!

This was a Pinterest inspired project for my daughter's teacher. I had so much fun making this. I also made 2 more~~ for my partner teachers.

I have seen these all over Pinterest.  I decided to make one of my own using my theme in the classroom~~Peace!  I still have some drawers to fill with labels!  I love it! 

These are the dry-erase boards made out of duct tape & report covers. 

Well, I guess I better get started on my other TO DO projects for next Monday! 
Don't forget to link up!!!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

I am also linking up with Classroom Freebies: Manic Monday.  Please check out the precious bookmarks I made for my students to welcome them back. I print them on heavy card stock and then laminate each one.   Enjoy!

Click (HERE) to download your Free copy!!

I also made a Student Information sheet for parents to fill out.
Click (HERE) to download your Free copy!



~~Classroom Theme Linky~~

I have decided to link up with Surfin' Through Second and 3-6 Free Resources  to join the Classroom Theme Linky!!  My classroom is completely empty as I type!  My building is undergoing some construction.  The upstairs hallway (which is where I am) will have all of its classrooms painted.  My 3rd grade team decided on a blue color for our classrooms this year.  So, with all of the painting going on and all of the furniture completely moved out and into the gym, I decided to change my theme.

I just love peace signs, hearts, & flowers!  My overall theme is:

Building God's Love with Peace, Love, & Happiness!!

Here is the cover for my handbook page.

Here is a picture of my curtains that I found at T. J. Maxx last school year!  They are actually shower curtains!!   I love them!!!

The color of my room is almost the same color as the blue in these curtains.  Here are some pictures of the items I purchased for my classroom to complete my theme!! I have other decorations but they are packed away in my classroom.





These are the signs I made for my lunch board. 

Now, all I need to do is get in my classroom and decorate!!  Don't forget to link up!!